After Sun Spray

This is a must have as the sun begins to peak out from behind the clouds…
20 drops Lavender 

20 drops Peppermint 

20 drops Frankincense (optional) 

Add oils to a 4 oz spray bottle. 
Fill the remainder with either water or fractionated coconut oil. 

Shake and apply as soon as possible to the sunburned area. 
Repeat every few hours.
#MakeSpringGreat #ILoveOils #dToilsEveryday dT101Class

Improving Vitamin D Absorption

Vitamin DArticle by: Dr Z

Up until recently, the true significance of vitamin D has been relatively uncovered. Traditionally, because it is well known for assimilating calcium from the foods that we eat, vitamin D is usually associated with being essential for bone health. Today, however, researchers are discovering that it can help protect against a host of other, more serious health problems such as: type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and even multiple sclerosis!

Common Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency
Relatively unheard of 100 years ago when people regularly spent time outdoors (regardless of the temperature or weather conditions!) vitamin D deficiency is quickly becoming an epidemic.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), hypovitaminosis D (low vitamin D levels) is usually a result of:Read More…