Fighting Skin Cancer With Nutrition

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Skin cancer is the most popular type of cancer with 5.4 billion basal and squamous cell skin cancers diagnosed yearly in the United States. With summer upon us, many people seek to utilize sun screens to protect their skin, but do they really work? Several studies report that those who spend the greatest amount of time outdoors have the lowest risk of melanoma.

Skin cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in the United States!
Melanoma is found on places on the body that receive minimal sun exposure such as the soles of the feet, genitals, inside the nose and mouth and under fingernails. In 2007, the FDA concluded that “available evidence fails to show that sunscreen use alone prevents skin cancer.” In fact, the Environmental Working Group reported that nearly half of the most popular brand sunscreens actually accelerate the development of malignant skin cancer cells.Read More…