By Jerry Petermann
The other day a friend mentioned during morning coffee that a local man’s daughter who had become a successful doctor in San Antonio, TX had suffered a major heart attack. I winced. This was a girl who had been in high school with my own daughter. It only seemed to have been just a few years ago…
I have coffee two or three days a week at a local café at 4:30 A.M. with my friends of the R.O.M.E.O. Club…that’s Retired Old Men Eating Out. We, as every other morning coffee group of retired people across the
country, solve the problems of the community, the nation and the world. It’s press coverage we lack to get these solutions implemented…no matter.
The heart attack of this young woman again struck home, too close to home. Last week, we buried our founding member’s son-in-law (same age as the doctor) who had passed from advanced cancer (took him in 10 months). Yet, each of us are fairly healthy. We all garden and take life a little less serious – less stressful, most of the time.Read More…