Live Life With PURPOSE
By Jerry Petermann, 2016
It happened again! Once more I sat quietly listening to a friend go on and on about a trip to “The Doctor”.
Well, this dear friend was most certainly not referring to my virtual superhero, “The Doctor” on the British TV series Dr. Who. At least that fellow, if asked his name, can truthfully say, “I’m The Doctor”. Of course, all us fans know him to be a time-traveler of the entire universe and the very last of The Time Lords. But, that aside, he deserves the title; The Doctor.
I have a hard time with our virtual, God-like adoration of medical professionals in the USA; especially since recent statistics were made public on the ABC Evening News They stated that between 200,000 and 400,000 people die each year from medical mistakes in America. Let’s put that in prospective: at the 400,000 number it would be like hearing the news that 3 airliners with over 330 people on board each craft crashed every day for a whole year. Now, do you think that industry would even survive 1 month?
“The Doctor, Really? Well, bite my tongue, again!”Read More…