From Stuck to Success
The Secret Skills to Success are
- Social
- Emotional
- Ecstasy
Some of us wake up drained
Some of us wake up re-charged.
The hormones in the body that affect which way the body shows up are:

Dopamine – Functions include: Pleasure, Fine Motor Skills and Preservation of our body.
Oxytocin – Known as the maternal hormone, but also arises when we have physical contact with another human.
Serotonin – A mood regulator related to happiness. Lowered levels are noted in people with depression.
Endorphins – Reduces pain, boosts pleasure and overall gives us a feeling of wellbeing.
Cortisol – This chemical controls your fight or flight and can leave you feeling fearful and drained if not managed. It also manages blood sugar, metabolism & inflammation.
We need to learn how to trigger these different hormones because they charge up our batteries to enhance our creativity and critical thinking.
Being able to do this sets us up to develop skills.