Eczema – A Grandmother’s Journey
Jo’s Journey with her Grandson who had Severe Eczema
What is Eczema you ask?

Atopic Dermatitis – is dry, itchy skin and rashes on the face, inside the elbows and behind the knees, and on the hands and feet. Scratching the skin can cause it to turn red, and to swell and itch even more.
Here is a real story with amazing results with just a few simple dietary suggestions as a result of a BioMeridian Scan.
Jo’s Grandson suffered from Eczema and had been to many doctors. The family was frustrated with no real good answers to how to best help this child. They went to Dermatologists and tried multiple kinds of creams and other remedies without good results.
Well – Le’ts let Jo Tell you in her own words:
Somewhere between the age of 1 and
His Primary Care Doctor and even a Dermatologist continued to prescribe Steroids and other creams –
I helped my daughter with home remedies and she eliminated milk and other foods.
At one point the Dr did a blood test to identify allergies but nothing healed his skin.
The raw patches on the back of his knees, legs and feet were so severe that he got a staph infection,
I turned to Evelyn…
Her scan results showed Gluten (which earlier I said we had eliminated foods but it was her total results that made the difference)
Sun Screen also showed as skin issue – which putting Sun Screen on his fair skin was always a fight and he would fuss and this we passed it off as just being difficult. We studied Gluten and became aware of everything that has Gluten – It was summer and we switched to a Zinc Sunscreen.
Evelyn suggested Digestive Enzymes, a Vitamin B Complex, and a Calcium Magnesium supplement.
The Little Guy detoxed for about 30 days and then his skin became clear and that little 5-year-old was so happy! He took over his health even at his young age, being aware of what he ate, and would remind you he needed the Enzymes.
This was something we struggled with for over 3 years and so Grateful for Evelyn and how she helped us.
In conclusion:
It was amazing to find out that the root of his skin problems came from within. That his digestive tract was yelling for help through his skin. His Eczema became so bad that he had sores on his legs. At one point the sores became infected with staph.