Nose Got You Running?

Seasonal Allergy Relief that is easy to take on the go
TriEaseĀ® Softgels were developed to protect against seasonal and environmental elements. Each softgel contains equal parts of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils.
A wonderful mix of Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint
The 3 oils combined in and easy to use softgel can’t be beat for your busy life. Lemon to cleanse, Peppermint to open the airways, and Lavender to sooth irritation.
#SeasonalDiscomfort #NoseGotYouRunning
#TriEase #dToilsEveryDay #GetTriEaseAtPowerlineHealth #YourRogersvilleHealthFoodStore
Contact us to learn how to get these and many other products at wholesale.