Category Archives for Women’s Health

Suffering from PCOS? Try These Natural Remedies

PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

We are going to try to help you understand the basics. Then below we added some additional research on a few of the things suggested in this original article that we found on the subject. 

At the end are some product suggestions that you may find helpful.

The research I found on Nattokinase & Phytoestrogen was info I felt was so important to share with you, so here we go… 

What Is The Best Diet For PCOS?

A balanced diet using whole foods that stabilize your blood sugar levels is the key. Banishing sugary food is especially important. Foods containing too much sugar cause rapid spikes in your blood sugar levels, placing unnecessary stress on your body. Over time this leads to the development of insulin resistance syndrome. Fast carbohydrates work just like sugar in the body so this includes white flour products like bread & pasta. 

What is Insulin Resistance Syndrome?

Insulin Resistance Syndrome is a condition marked by poor blood sugar control and weight gain. Insulin resistance is usually an underlying problem in women suffering PCOS, even when they are not overweight.Read More…

What is Crepitus?

Crepitus Definition

Crepitus is actually the description of a sound. For instance, when we breathe, one of the sounds that we hear in the lung sometimes is called crepitus. It’s a very broad diagnosis and can encompass a variety of issues.

So all crepitus really is is a sound. Often you will find crepitus in joints, and is very common in knees. People can sometimes have crepitus of the neck and sometimes in their ankles. Essentially it’s a crackling of the joint.

Crepitus Symptoms

You can even have crepitus in your neck, but one of the types of crepitus is a tiny gas bubble that forms and collapses within the joint. This type of popping does not typically cause pain.

What can happen, is the tendons and ligaments repeatedly snap over the joints, body structure, etc. This snapping can sometimes cause pain.

Crepitus Causes

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Energizing Fuel Pull – All Day Sipper

I have been drinking the “Fuel Pull” All day sipper drink (they are very slimming) I found on the THM website and LOVE it! It tastes AMAZING!

What is great about this recipe is that it is packed with nutrition, energy, protein, fiber & is low carb friendly. It can also be low fat friendly.

Add a full Tablespoon of Coconut Oil to give you the energy to make it through your whole morning.

I like to throw in a handful of frozen Spinach or Kale and a few pieces of frozen Okra.

Adding the extra vegetables, the smoothie still tastes great while at the same time giving you some fiber to detox the body a bit.

Here is the recipe to share today:

Hello Health Sipper (FP)


  • 1/2 tsp Just Gelatin
  • 1 Tbsp cool water (for the gelatin)
  • 1 tbsp just off the boil water (for the gelatin)
  • 2 tbsp Boabab Boost Powder
  • 4 to 6 pinches mineral salt
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp MCT Oil
  • 1 to 2 tsp Integral Collagen
  • 1/8 tsp Sunflower Lecithin
  • 2 to 3 doonks Pure Stevia Extract Powder
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 2 red mini sweet peppers (or 1⁄4 red bell pepper)
  • Chunk of a red jalapeño (optional, for us feisty tigers)
  • 3 drops of Wild Orange or Tangerine Essential Oil (optional)

Place the gelatin in a 1-cup measuring cup. Add the cool water and stir until dissolved, then add the boiled water and stir. Fill the measuring cup with enough cool water to come to 1 cup and place in the blender. Now fill the measuring cup with 1 more cup cold water and add to the blender. Blend for a few seconds.

Add all the remaining ingredients and blend on high until all is creamy and the peppers are completely broken down. Pour this concentrate into a quart jar. Fill to the top with ice, add water only if needed to reach the top, and stir well. Taste and adjust the flavors to “own it” and sip your health into renewal.

Here are affiliate links to get each of the special ingredients in the recipe:

Gelatin Powder –
Boabab Powder (organic)
MCT Oil – 100% Natural:
Collagen Powder (grass-Fed):
Sunflower Lecithin:
Stevia Powder (Organic):

Nurse Mary here – Signing off, Until Next TimeBe Well!

I have started a facebook group – you are welcome to join us to:

Energizing Fuel Pull Health Sipper

Better Health- What Does it Mean to You?

Inflammation – What is it?

Irritated joints, irritation in the digestive tract, even high blood pressure and allergies can be a sign of inflammation.

Autoimmune disorders can crop up from unmanaged inflammation.

Inflammation culprits can be many and depending on who you are. Things that irritate me could be different from what irritates you, and vice versa.

Inflammation doesn’t only affect joints. You may not have known that irritation of the digestive tract often follows that of the joints. 

Take a guess at what the # 1 inflammatory food is? You guessed it. Sugar.

Sugar the #1 Inflammatory food
Sugar is found in some surprising places

Did you know that sugar is more addictive than cocaine in rat studies?

This is a shocking observation, but the reality is that it’s everywhere and extremely hard to avoid.

Besides sugar, there are many foods we eat that the body processes just like sugar. 

White flour products such as donuts, cakes, white bread & desserts are all broken down and used by the body in a very similar way.

When is sugar the most dangerous?

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The Secret Benefits of the Little Known Vitamin K2

Have you ever struggled with heavy bleeding? Hemorrhage or even simply really heavy periods? How about menopause issues? How about Cysts, Ovarian Cysts or Endometriosis? 

If you experience heavy bleeding during periods, it may signal a lack of vitamin k2

Some of my very close friends and I have suffered with these issues. It is really important for me to share what I came across. In fact, I don’t understand for the life of me why it is not being shared more publicly! 

As uncomfortable as it is for me to talk about, I’ll tell you that I had some major bleeding issues while going through Menopause. I didn’t want to have to talk about it or even deal with it but it was affecting my productivity in a major way in my life. As a Mom, as a wife, at my work, at managing my home, it felt like it was all caving in on me. 

From my medical background, I had heard of Vitamin K but had dismissed the idea of using it because it causes blood clotting so quickly that the conclusion was it was dangerous to take as a supplement. I decided I wanted to try just a little of it to see if it would help me. 

Talk about opening a can of worms. I found out there is a huge difference between vitamin K1 & Vitamin K2 – Vitamin K1 is just what I had know about. It helps the blood to clot and has very little other function in the body. 

Vitamin K2, on the other hand, has so many benefits that you must to hear about! It is good for young women, older women & even men 🙂 

It supports the heart, the brain, and has a major role in calcium absorption in our body. 

Here are the details of my research if you would like to read it: 

Find balance in your brain and hearth health

The little known Vitamin K2

Health benefits and sources of vitamin K. Vitamin K refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins that play a role in blood clotting, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels. The body needs vitamin K to produce prothrombin, a protein. Prothrombin is a clotting factor that is important in blood clotting and bone metabolism.

What is the Vitamin k2 good for?

Vitamin K is also given to treat and prevent vitamin K deficiency, a condition in which the body doesn’t have enough vitamin K. It is also used to prevent and treat weak bones (osteoporosis) and relieve itching that often accompanies a liver disease called biliary cirrhosis.

The K Vitamins 

Vitamin K activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism and heart health. Controlled studies in people also observe that vitamin K2 supplements generally improve bone and heart health, while vitamin K1 has no significant benefits. 

Vitamin K activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting

Vitamin K1’s primary function

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The Secret Benefits of Whisper

What are the secret benefits of Whisper Essential oil Blend?

Whisper® is a complex and diverse blend. Regarded as the most precious flowers in the perfume and aromatherapy industries, Jasmine and Ylang Ylang’s euphoric aromas combine with the warm and spicy scents of Patchouli, Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Cocoa to make this blend unmatched in complexity and aromatic influence.

Whisper the Blend for Women

With an aroma as soft and warm as its name, doTERRA Whisper Blend for Women creates a uniquely personal fragrance by combining each individual’s chemistry with a diverse blend of essential oils.

Favorite Ways to use Whisper Essential Oil

  • Apply to wrists, back of neck, and pulse points for a distinct and individual fragrance.
  • Diffuse or add to clay pendants for a unique aromatic experience.
  • Dispense one to two drops in the palm of the hand and rub on clothing, scarves, and coats to experience calming emotions throughout the day.

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A Blend of Essential Oils for Women

whisperArticle from:

Whisper® Blend for Women
With an aroma as soft and warm as its name, doTERRA Whisper Blend for Women creates a uniquely personal fragrance by combining each individual’s chemistry with a diverse blend of essential oils.

Primary Benefits
Combines with each individual’s chemistry to create a beautiful, unique, and personal fragrance
Provides a warming, musky aroma
Entices and intrigues the senses

doTERRA Whisper Blend for Women is a complex and diverse blend that combines with each individual’s chemistry to create a uniquely personal fragrance. Each essential oil in the blend provides an inviting aroma of its own, but when combined, these oils offer a distinct scent that intrigues the senses of both the wearer and those passing by. Regarded as the most precious flowers in the perfume and aromatherapy industries, Jasmine and Ylang Ylang’s euphoric aromas combine with the warm and spicy scents of Patchouli, Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Cocoa to make this blend unmatched in complexity and aromatic influence. Also features Bergamot, Labdanum, Vetiver, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Rose essential oils.Read More…

Thyme Essential Oil

  • ThymeAdd Thyme to your favorite daytime diffuser blend to promote a sense of alertness
  • Add to your winter routine to support a healthy immune system*
  • Provides cleansing and purifying effects for the skin
  • Use one to two drops in place of dried Thyme in your favorite recipes
  • Thyme has a stimulating aroma
  • Naturally repels insects

Thyme is commonly used as a seasoning, but it also produces a potent essential oil that has cleansing and purifying effects for the skin; however, due to its high thymol content, Thyme should be diluted with a Carrier Oil before application. Thyme has specific chemistry that supports a healthy immune system.*Read More…

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

YlangApply Ylang Ylang to the back of the neck for a
calming, uplifting effect. You might also blend it with a carrier oil and massage into back and shoulders to help reduce the effects of daily stress.

During the damaging heat of the summer, massage Ylang Ylang into your scalp to increase the appearance of healthy, shiny hair as well as adding it to a carrier oil for a deep hair conditioner.

Ylang Ylang has a deep floral scent that is pleasant to blend with other essential oils.

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