Category Archives for Health News

Exercise: Good Medicine?

exerciseSee: full Article by Dr Axe

If you’re trying to lose weight, there’s no doubt about it, changing your diet is more important than exercising. (That’s the topic of one of my favorite mythbusters, in fact.) But does that mean you should skip exercising altogether? Absolutely not. Exercise reduces chronic disease and can sometimes even replace medication.

While working out might not be the number one factor in shedding pounds, it’s vital for so much more than weight loss. Not only do the benefits of exercise include feeling happier and boosting energy levels, but it’s a proven way to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and cancer — who doesn’t want that?Read More…

Why Frankincense Essential Oil?

FrankincenseArticle by doTerra Science

Frankincense essential oil is derived from the resinous tears of trees that have been carefully scored, or “bled.” If cared for properly, frankincense trees can produce tears for hundreds of years! After a careful distillation process, the essential oil has a complex mixture of monoterpenes:

  • alpha-Pinene
  • Limonene
  • alpha-Thujene
  • beta-Pinene

This complex chemistry contributes to its renewing effects. Frankincense essential oil is great at supporting the diverse types of cells in the body.* It also is effective at relaxing and focusing the mind.Read More…

Tapioca an Alternative to Wheat Flour

Tapioca See full article by Dr Axe

With the rise in popularity of gluten-free baking in recent years, tapioca flour has become a staple for many people. Because cassava roots, from which tapioca is derived, are naturally very high in carbohydrates, tapioca starch is able to be extracted and made into gluten-free flour or “pearls.” These are used as a thickening agent in various kinds of foods or recipes — everything from pizza dough to pie filling.

Tapioca tastes mild and slightly sweet and is one of the purest forms of starch there is. Besides carbs/starch, it’s very low in other macronutrients or micronutrients (like protein, fats, and most vitamins and minerals). However, it’s totally gluten-free, low in calories and free from sugar — so it’s still overall useful in healthy, gluten-free cooking or baking, much like cassava flour.

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The Difference between Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes

DigestiveEnzymes ProbioticsProbiotics are the beneficial bacteria or yeast. Taken after infection, the use of antibiotics or during periods of stress can assist your body to re-build these building block of your gut. They are Live microorganisms. Healthy probiotic balance your digestive system and have been said to decrease the aging process.


Digestive Enzymes are break down food so that your body can absorb it.

Purchase: Probiotics  or   Digestive Enzymes

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10 Processed-Food Secrets You Want to Know

Burger FriesThis Article from view: Full Article

In the featured article,1 Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet, explains 10 reasons why you might want to think twice the next time you’re tempted to eat processed foods.

1. They’re Addictive and May Cause You to Overeat
Processing modifies or removes important components of food, like fiber, water and nutrients, changing the way they are digested and assimilated in your body.Read More…

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