Freshen Your Home With Oils

This refreshing room spray is a great spring blend to start this season off right. Fill a glass spray bottle with water and add 3 drops Lime, 3 drops Lavender, and 1 drop Ylang Ylang.

#FreshenWithOils #FreshRoomSpray

Contact us to learn more about these oils. I would be delighted to sit down with you and show how easy they are to incorporate into your every day life.

Sadness you Just can’t shake? Maybe you need Magnesium 

From the Health Ranger

A breakthrough nutritional study conducted at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont and published in PLoS ONE has found that just 248mg of magnesium per day leads to an astounding reversal of depression symptoms in study subjects.

“New clinical research results show magnesium is effective at addressing symptoms and is safer and easier on the wallet than prescription therapies,” reports Science Daily, echoing the reporting of Natural News from over a decade ago. Today, even mainstream science is now confirming that magnesium is a safe, affordable and effective treatment for depression.Read More…

Itchy Red Patches of Skin

You know those itchy inflamed patches of skin? Anyone got a guess as to what I might be referring to?
Here is some topical assistance: 

Apply to red patches of inflamed and or itchy skin. 

Also remember that when these inflamed skin conditions are present often the culprit is on the inside, a food sensitivity some of those are things like milk, sugar & white flour.

A good probiotic is often helpful too.Read More…

Clear Thoughts Rollerball

Rollor recipe to Clear the Brain Fog:

put in 10 ml roller & fill with a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil

Roll on temples, to the back of the neck or spinal area as often as you like.

#ClearThoughts #RollerBallRelief #OntheGoOils #dToilsEveryDay

Contact us to learn how to get these and many other products at wholesale.

Grapefruit Essential oil

Grapefruit essential oil can provide an uplifting environment due to its invigorating and energizing aroma. Add 3 to 4 drops to your diffuser and enjoy!
I like to use 2 drops of Grapefruit in my water. What is your favorite way to use grapefruit?





Contact us to learn how to get these and many other products at wholesale.

Ready for Summer?

Is your skin ready for Summer?🌻

You can make your own Lime and Coconut Scrub to brighten and refresh your skin. 1 cup organic virgin coconut oil,
1 cup Pink Himalayan (or Epsom) salt,
¼ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil,
15 drops Lime.

#SummerScrub #dToilsEveryDay #EssentiallyYOUR

Would you like me to mail you a sample of Lime? Drop me your name and email and we’ll set it up for you.

Bone Broth Recipe



  • Any combination of these items: Raw grass fed organic bones
  • Chicken: frames, thigh bones & 2 wings per frame, neck bones
  • Beef/Lamb/Pork: marrow, meaty rib bones, any meaty bones that still have cartilage attached
  • Up to 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Cup Wild Rice
  • Sprouted beans are a great addition too
  • Green Onions cut up   and/or
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 celery stalks + tops
  • Filtered water
  • Sea Salt & Pepper to taste. Optional herbs & spices: parsley, garlic & turmeric (to be added at the end)

Read More…

Rejuvenate Your Lymphatic Glands with an Exfoliating Brush

Did you know we have more lymphatic fluids in our body than blood?



Yup! And the Lymphatic system is extremely important in protecting our body from harmful elements in the environment.
The lymphatics don’t have a system that moves the fluid like the veins, the movement we get in the lymphatics system is moved by us. We have to walk, run, jump or otherwise actively stimulate our lymphatic system.

What is the Lymphatic System?

  • By definition – The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system. (1)

Lumps and bumps in the lymphatics can be things that your body is protecting you from.
Lymphatic massage or even something as simple as dry body brushing or dry cellulite brushing is a great way to stimulate the lymph nodes and help them to function normally.
Here is a YouTube video about Dry Skin Body Brushing

that you may find helpful.

As with any form of detox you are doing with your body, it is very important to drink lots of clean water when you are moving lymphatic fluids. Drinking water is the best way to rid your body of the toxins as you move them, to avoid the possibility of illnesses that can be caused as you move toxins around.



These Lymphatic Exfoliating brushes do a great job at stimulating your Lymphatic system.

Dry Skin Body Brush – Improves Skin’s Health And Beauty – Natural Bristle – Remove Dead Skin And Toxins, Cellulite Treatment , Improves Lymphatic Functions, Exfoliates, Stimulates Blood Circulation

Here is a dry brush kit that looks good:

Dry Brushing Body Brush – Best Complete Exfoliating Brush Set – with Exfoliating Gloves, Konjac Sponge & Pumice Stone, Back Scrubber with Natural Bristles – Great for Circulation, Skin Beauty & Health

Insulin Resistence

I found this video -vlog very interesting by Dr Eric Berg DC. 

It sounds like many of us old and young have some level of insulin resistance going on. As we get older and if we have poor diet habits this can turn into some pretty serious stuff – like obesity, type II diabetes and even can contribute to heart disease…

A 1st step product you might consider is Time Challenger Diabetic Response

Changing our eating habits is a big must as well. Dr Eric Berg is a big proponent for fasting. I am not sure about that yet as many of us that would only be healthy if we were sure to eat every meal packed with lots of good nutrients. I feel pretty strongly that frequent small nutritious meals or 3 meals and some snacks like nuts, veges and fruits would still be a very healthy life style. 


Diabetic Socks