Having Bad Breath with your Low Carb Diet?

By Karen Reed

If you’re on a low-carb diet, not all the outcomes are good. One of the side effects you could notice is bad breath. It’s commonly nicknamed ketosis breath, whether it happens when following the ketosis diet, but it can happen with all low carb/high protein diets.

In fact, bad breath is becoming an epidemic. This is because so many people now are following these low carb diets. So, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, scientists say that 40% of people on these types of diets report bad breath as one of the worst side effects.

I’ve been in your position before with my low carb diets. Your best friend likely has, too. We just get so embarrassed about our bad breath that we tend not to mention it. We just hope that we can mask it with some breath mints.Read More…

Detox with Lemon Essential Oil

lemon detoxLemon is gentle yet strong – It energizes, improves circulation but my favorite part about Lemon is that it breaks down gunk that out bodies hold onto from processed foods, environmental toxins etc… Lemon Essential Oil allows our body to flush these things away in a yummy, gentle easy to take way.


Refreshing Grapefruit Essential Oil 

​Grapefruit oil is useful for so many different things. 

But one of my favorite benefits of the oil is that it can uplift your mood. 

I like to apply it to my temples and wrists on a rough day. It leaves me feeling refreshed and happy!

It is also very Pleasant to diffuse . 

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